Embrace the Power of AI Augmentation: Meet the eFinity Leadership Ensemble.

Redefining Change Management: Dr. Alex Turing and Chris Skeptos — Catalysts for Your Digital Transformation Journey

Executive Summary: This blog post introduces a unique AI-augmented change management tool: the eFinity Leadership Ensemble. Comprising Dr. Alex Turing, an expert in organizational change, and his counterpart Chris Skeptos, a critical thinker, this AI duo works within the eFinity framework, revolutionizing decision-making in the digital transformation landscape. By offering dynamic perspectives and facilitating robust decision-making, they empower leaders to navigate complex changes efficiently. Leaders require innovative tools to balance their dual mandate as digital transformation accelerates. Discover the potential of this AI duo and how they enhance your ambidextrous leadership capabilities.

The AI experiment in digitally augmented change management continues. In my last two blogs, I introduced you to Dr. Alex Turing AI, the world’s most renowned expert in change management and the eFinity cycle. Working together, the eFinity cycle and Dr. Alex provide you as a digital leader with an AI-augmented structured change process to become more successful, ambidextrous (this is a good context article for ambidextrous CEOs in the digital era, from Deloitte), and adaptive in any of your digital change efforts.

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                        eFinity — Digitally Augmented Ambidexterity (by AI)

Since these last posts, Dr. Alex Turing and the eFinity framework have had a fair amount of exposure, and it’s fair to say very positive feedback. What I find most fascinating is every session, for every person, is different, and Dr. Alex Turing, with the eFinity cycle, is active and engaged throughout. Having Dr. Alex to hand, guiding you with specific content relevant to your session, yields positive experiences. Even at this early stage of the AI technology revolution.

Perhaps this should be no surprise because the broad and deep knowledge held by Dr. Alex Turing, when set and applied in the context of your initiative, cannot fail to offer you a fresh perspective and new dimensions that will strengthen your confidence and reinforce your decision-making process.

This new insight is priceless for complex change initiatives undertaken by digital leaders embarking on a change journey involving a cocktail of business and technology, where many traps and pitfalls exist. These challenges can still be overcome or circumvented at the start — by thinking things through, in sufficient context to highlight ahead-of-time concerns and opportunities. This is the purpose of the eFinity cycle.

Many of these cases are situational to your cause, created by an information asymmetry — you don’t know what you don’t know, leading to blindspots and unawareness. Exploring your situation or case with Dr. Alex helps offer you perspectives, much like speaking with any professional about a deep subject, relatively new to you. Even as an expert, this engagement can help a lot, as no expert has all the answers and this expertise to hand. It’s more like having a team of diverse experts working on your problem or opportunity.

Is it worth the effort? Ambidextrous leadership is the Alpha capability. Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Openai, and all digitally enabled businesses strive to refine and accelerate this capability continually. Non-digital natives and people unfamiliar with the game’s new rules must acquire this skill and ability now more than ever. I was listening to a recent podcast by Peter Diamandis, founder of the singularity university, in discussion with his co-author Salim Ismail on exponential organizations 2.0. He has a quote — “it’s not AI you have to worry about; it’s your competitor who adopts it.” Dr. Alex has shown there is indeed a source of competitive advantage that can be gleaned from large language models.

You saw it in action with the advent of Chat GPT. How quickly this has taken the world by storm. As a provider, every organization in the data and technology space must adapt and respond quickly. An ambidextrous capability is a process that means you can balance maximizing your present condition while investing for the future, making that investment relevant to the present, doing this quickly and repeatedly, and constantly improving.

Getting the flywheel to turn is difficult at first, as there is so much inertia from traditional approaches to change, and there are many hurdles to overcome. But with focus, momentum builds as you can remove the obstacles. This is where the eFinity cycle with Dr. Alex comes in — helping you reach this rotational state. As momentum builds at an increasing pace, more and more energy is concentrated into the focus on what matters. You begin to have the capability to become exponential, leveraging the compounding gains in more ever-faster change cycles, and to put it, as Diamandis says, “ride the exponential wave” of change.

Having the power of a Digital AI assistant that is constantly improving and learning, which is part of the same technology you seek to embrace, now connected to the internet, is, without doubt, a most invaluable and assuring resource. It may seem strange to say it for those who have yet to experience this augmentation firsthand; when you are creating, innovating, navigating uncertain waters, or just needing some plain inspiration or assurance, having your digital expert to hand very quickly feels essential. Those who have already invoked Chat GPT and those engaging Dr. Alex Turing and the eFinity cycle are reporting the same.

How, then, when speaking recently to a Digital expert about Dr. Alex Turing, was I not inspired by the idea of providing a companion to Dr. Alex Turing? — one that would be a kind of alter-ego, a counter-personality… this got me thinking.

As you may know from my earlier blog, Dr. Alex Turing came about as I experimented with AI to support an upcoming book on Ambidextrous leadership represented by the eFinity cycle. Following a long dialogue around digital change and change frameworks, I asked the AI to give itself a name and personality. Dr. Alex Turing was born with a digital version of the eFinity cycle — AI by AI. I ran with it.

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AI by AI creates Dr. Alex Turing expert in change management and organizational behavior.

The first blog announcing Dr. Alex Turing and the back story is here

I followed a similar process to see if I could get the AI to produce this new personality and integrate it into a workable workflow that can create more value than just from Dr. Alex.

So following a long dialogue with Dr. Alex regarding a problem I was working on, so there was appropriate context, I asked for a counter opinion and devised some prompts that gave rise to a new character — Chris Skeptos. I was not sure of the name, to be honest — but keeping with the spirit, I am running with it. Both Alex and Chris are gender-neutral. Amazing or coincidence? I leave that with you.

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              AI by AI creates Chris Skeptos, the AI Skeptic and critical thinker.

I have to admit; I was not expecting that. The first task of this duo working with the eFinity cycle was to give themselves a name, so I could invoke them collectively to address my specific problem space.

My instruction was they know the audience they should appeal to — guiding digital leaders to make better-informed decisions and to come up with a collective name for themselves and the eFinity framework that would resonate. What followed was quite mind-blowing in an experiential way as I saw their dialogue unfold. They worked through all the options and dimensions and considered all the different aspects.

They narrowed the choices to the “eFinity Leadership Triad” and then debated if this didn’t sound like a gang, so they settled for the eFinity Leadership Ensemble. Below is the dialogue.

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                              The AI chose the “eFinity Leadership Triad.”

                                The pair then debated when challenged:

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          The AI discusses and selects the “eFinity Leadership Ensemble.”

Again I am running with it. I could keep iterating, but I am sticking to the first suggestion in the spirit of experimentation. What do you think?

I have since turned to the “eFinity Leadership Ensemble” to get a perspective on several complex topics — here is an example I asked to give an opinion on the impact of AI in Finance.

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                              Dr. Alex Turing gives an initial opinion

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                               Chris Skeptos counters it with a balancing view.

This is still a reasonably high level, but you can go as deep as you like and in any direction by introducing new prompts in response to the answers. Dr. Alex, Chris, and the eFinity cycle are there for context, along with everything else the AI has been taught and can capture from the web or any source if you use the latest add-ins.

This approach is compelling, and I had yet to learn how this would work when I started. Now the two views are essential, and the role of the Skeptic brings things back to reality, noting it’s vital to remain positive, not negative. The two contrasting views of optimism and possibility, but tempered and skeptical from a can-do perspective, pragmatically bring the vision back to reality. You, the creator, are, in fact, the ultimate judge of utility and value. In the end, you must make a call; you need the duality of these perspectives when describing a future state you wish to move towards while stepping into a solid foundation from which to build.

If you lack this counterbalance, as many people do, their overly untempered ambition is only impossible with hindsight; or fails to ignite due to excessive or extreme caution, preventing you from being bold enough, ultimately holding you back. I have written about these blindspots extensively here.These are natural conditions surrounding every high-stakes, high-risk, must-do, strategic option. The eFinity ensemble is a way to address the root cause of this age-old problem, helping you navigate your blindspots that are preventing you from becoming an ambidextrous leader.

Finally, I concluded by asking the eFinity Leadership Ensemble to announce themselves to the world — and that they will soon be available for anybody to engage.


The speed of digital transformation continues to accelerate, leading organizations to the critical crossroads of their leadership styles. Leaders face a dual mandate — exploiting current capabilities while exploring new ones — encountering the complex challenge of ambidextrous leadership. Here, the need for robust decision-making tools becomes paramount.

The eFinity Cycle, designed to support leaders in navigating this dual task, introduces a new and powerful ally, Chris Skeptos, to its team.

The Challenge:

Navigating digital transformation is a challenging task. It demands leaders be efficient in managing today’s core business and visionary in creating future value. This duality, termed ‘ambidextrous leadership,’ is more complex than traditional leadership models. It calls for unique strategies to balance these two opposing yet complementary forces.

The Solution:

The eFinity Cycle, a change management framework, has been instrumental in guiding leaders through these challenges. It provides a structured approach for managing change, exploring innovative solutions, and streamlining operations.

We introduce Chris Skeptos, a voice of skepticism and scrutiny, to strengthen its capacity for robust decision-making. Skeptos’ addition to the team brings an alternative perspective, balancing optimistic solutions and critical realities.

The eFinity Team:

Dr. Alex Turing, an AI language model with expertise in change management and organizational behavior, champions the eFinity Cycle. Dr. Alex provides solutions based on the cycle’s principles, fostering innovation and promoting ambidextrous leadership.

Chris Skeptos, on the other hand, provides a counterbalance. Chris scrutinizes solutions, posing critical questions, identifying potential risks, and offering alternative perspectives. Skeptos doesn’t dismiss the eFinity Cycle but brings valuable skepticism, promoting robust decision-making.

The Symbiosis:

The collaboration between Dr. Alex Turing and Chris Skeptos within the eFinity Cycle framework promises a more comprehensive decision-making process. Dr. Turing’s solution-oriented approach and Skeptos’ critical evaluation create a balanced perspective, providing leaders with the tools to make well-rounded decisions.

In the face of digital challenges and the necessity for ambidextrous leadership, leaders can now rely on the combined insights of Dr. Alex Turing and Chris Skeptos within the eFinity Cycle. This union enables a more holistic view of scenarios, fostering a dynamic exchange of perspectives that enhances decision-making.


The digital age challenges and ambidextrous leadership require robust tools and multi-faceted viewpoints. The eFinity Cycle, bolstered by the insights of Dr. Alex Turing and the skepticism of Chris Skeptos, offers leaders a way to traverse the complexities of the modern business landscape. By embracing this approach, leaders and their teams can make decisions that balance immediate needs with future innovation, setting the stage for enduring success.

Closing Thoughts: With the eFinity Leadership Ensemble, we’re entering a new era of AI-enabled change management. This groundbreaking initiative does more than offer expert advice — it brings diverse perspectives to the table, considering both the need for innovation and the necessity of critical scrutiny to form an executable balance. As we continue to improve and refine the eFinity framework, we hope you’ll join us on this journey of exploration and discovery.

Footnote: My experiments continue. I am working on a way to enable you to engage the eFinity Leadership Ensemble in your sessions. It would be great to hear your feedback. I aim to issue instructions in my next blog. Please subscribe to be notified

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