In a world where you are running to keep up

Reinvention is a Business Imperative

AI can be your Super Hero



Your Business Transformation Advisor 

These Major Obstacles in Business Transformation Efforts...

43% of Top CEO's time is spent on Business Reinvention.


Only 43% of employees are willing to support significant organisational change - down from 74% in a previous period.


Traditional management tools no longer fit the scenario. Employees are not engaging and upto 18% are actively sabotaging change initiatives. (Gallup)

21% of organisations must reivent themselves annually to survive. (HBR)

68% of business leaders struggle to implement change effectively. (Reinvention Academy)

Led to an Epic Story...


  • The above list of crucial challenges
  • Add in GenAI
  • Take 300 manyears of Business transformation expertise

Mix together and you have an epic story of cooperation, creativity, re-invention, resilience, genius, trialing and failing, pure bloody-mindedness to .....

Transform the way you Transform

Watch the video!

That helps SMB's to better understand their Business Transformation...

Many SMBs face these crippling challanges in transforming their business. Capability, Capacity and Cash Gaps constrain all, high priced consultants, building in-house capability and adhoc point solutions compound these fundamental realities.

Watch the video.

And provides SMB's a very clear place to start...

By understanding that planning out many failure points before you launch a program of significant change, Phase 0 becomes the arbiter of your Business Transformation success. 

Watch the video.

And you can start your Phase 0 today...

The essential Phase 0 Launch Sequence gives you a clear start point and outlines the 9 steps in Cheat-Sheet format. 

And using the Phase 0 Launch Sequence as a guide, engage ATHENA your AI trusted advisor. 

Discover how Athena and the BusinessGPS framework can ease and accelerate your Business Transformation journey.

(C) Techshifts Media 2024

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