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Athena Trial Extension

Thank you for your interest in extending your Athena Trial. To help us improve Athena and how we may service you better - can you please spend a few short minutes to provide us with your valuable feedback. Thank you Your Team

Athena Trial Extension

Question 1 of 24.

Your Role

  • Are you an internal or external resource for the initiative you focused on?

Question 2 of 24.

Vertical Market Alignment

  1. What vertical market is the initiative in?

Question 3 of 24.

Initiative Focus

What is the primary focus of your business change initiative?

Question 4 of 24.

Previous Success Rate

On a scale of 1-5, how successfully have business change programs been executed in your organization over the past 5 years? (1 = All fully delivered, 5 = None fully delivered

1. All fully delivered
2. Most fully delivered
3. Half delivered
4. Few fully delivered
5. None fully delivered
Question 5 of 24.

Change Readiness

What stage is your current program of change in? a) Planning b) Early implementation c) Mid-implementation d) Late implementation e) Post-implementation review

1. In concept
2. Planning
3. Programme just initiated
4. In full swing
5. Programme near completion
6. Changes now In operations
Question 6 of 24.

Change Challenges

What do you see as the biggest impediment to delivering continuous business change within your organization? Please elaborate.    

Question 7 of 24.

AI Familiarity

Prior to using Athena, how would you rate your familiarity with AI tools like ChatGPT?

1. Very familiar
2. Somewhat familiar
3. Familiar
4. Not very familiar
5. Not at all familiar
Question 8 of 24.

Interact with Athena

How easy was it to interact with Athena? 1) to go back to, 2) engaging with ChatGPT, 3) using the four standard options on the opening page.

Question 9 of 24.

Success Map Process

How many times have you run the SuccessMap process with Athena?

Question 10 of 24.

Success Map Completion

Did you complete a full SuccessMap and who did you share it with?

Question 11 of 24.

Value Rating

How would you rate the value provided by Athena in an assessment of your Transformation initiative. Rate 0-Poor ; 9:Excellent Please provide details and suggestions positive / negative

Question 12 of 24.

Improve Athena

What one thing can you suggest would improve your use of Athena?

Question 13 of 24.

Time Investment

Approximately how long did the SuccessMap process take you to complete?

Question 14 of 24.


Did you run the SuccessMap process independently or collaboratively with others? Please elaborate - team/personal/colleague/formal setting etc ...

Question 15 of 24.

Framework Understanding

On a scale of 1-5, how well do you understand how the 9 Steps in the assessment fit into the overall BusinessGPS framework?

1. Very Well
2. Somwhat
3. I think so - but
4. Hardly
5. Not at all
Question 16 of 24.

Question Clarity

Were there any specific terms or concepts in the SuccessMap questions that you found unclear or needed further explanation?

Question 17 of 24.

Rating Accuracy

How accurately do you feel the SuccessMap ratings reflected your organization's current state?

1. Very accurate
2. Somewhat accurate
3. Neutral
4. Somewhat inaccurate
5. Very inaccurate
Question 18 of 24.

Improvement Areas

How valuable did you find the "Areas for Improvement" identified for each step?

1. Very valuable
2. Somewhat valuable
3. Neutral
4. Not very valuable
5. Not at all valuable
Question 19 of 24.

Organizational Alignment

How do you envision BusinessGPS Ascend improving alignment across your organization to de-risk business change initiatives?

Question 20 of 24.

AI Integration

Can you see AI avatars becoming regular trusted advisors to your C-suite members?

1. Most Definitely
2. Probably
3. Possibly <50>
4. Unlikely
5. Definitely not
Question 21 of 24.

Expansion Plans

Do you plan to expand the use of AI avatars and BusinessGPS Ascend within your organization? If so, how?

Question 22 of 24.

Key Takeaways

What are the top 3 insights or benefits you've gained from your experience with Athena and BusinessGPS so far?

Question 23 of 24.

Feature Requests

Are there any additional features or capabilities you'd like to see in future versions of Athena or BusinessGPS?

Question 24 of 24.

Overall Experience

Please share any additional thoughts or feedback about your experience with Athena and BusinessGPS that could help us improve.

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Athena Trial Extension

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