Upload your Athena Exec output files

You have completed your Phase 0 Discovery step by using the power of Athena, maybe several times. You are now able to progress to the Phase 0 Design step by uploading the Athena Exec files so we can jointly review. Please book your review session with us as soon as you can.  

Upload your Athena Exec output files

Question 1 of 6.

Upload your first Athena EXEC output file here:

Choose File
Question 2 of 6.

More files to Upload?

1. Yes
2. No
Question 3 of 6.

Another File Upload

Choose File
Question 4 of 6.

More files to Upload?

1. Yes
2. No
Question 5 of 6.

Another File Upload 2

Choose File
Question 6 of 6.

Thanks and Book Your Meeting

You have now uploaded all your files. We will review together and then review all with you. Please make sure you have booked you 30 minute review session. If you have more files to share the please send them to [email protected]. Thank you

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Upload your Athena Exec output files

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